Resilience Radar for Marketing & Comms Leaders

This Resilience Radar helps you understand how resilient you are when faced with Stereotyping, Hierarchy and Bureaucracy. It will identify focus areas to boost your resilience and coping strategies for future success.
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As a Marketing and Comms professional, are you struggling to gain traction and progress your career because of stereotyping, hierarchy and bureaucracy? Does it sap your confidence, energy levels and limit your ability to do what you love and be the strategic enabler for your organisation?

Resilience isn’t just a trait – it’s your strategic advantage. Mastering resilience isn’t just about bouncing back, it’s about bouncing forward. 

You can’t work out where to head if you’re not sure where you’re at. With my easy-to-use self-assessment questionnaire, you can:

🔍 ASSESS Measure your current resilience level and how effective your coping strategies are when facing stereotyping, hierarchy and bureaucracy.

 🎯 ADAPT Use your results to understand whether you need to ‘Boost’ or ‘Maintain’ your resilience and coping strategies. The Radar will give you an idea where to change the way you think and act moving forward.

🚀 ACHIEVE Set yourself 1-2 key goals & measures of success. Re-do this questionnaire in 3 months time to see how you’re doing on your resilience journey. 


Stereotyping, hierarchy and bureaucracy are not here to break you.  They are opportunities to become stronger, to become an Unbreakable Leader.

Join countless others who have used the Resilience Radar to conquer setbacks and master the art of thriving beyond stereotyping, hierarchy and bureaucracy.  To become an Unbreakable Leader who can:

🌞 Thrive in times of adversity, no matter what’s thrown at you

🌈 Get excited about challenges, not fear them

 🧘‍♂️ Strengthen your inner grit – so your emotional core is stable, no matter the chaos going on around you.

🌟 Build strong relationships where you face challenges together

Grab your Resilience Radar today and take the next step in your Resilience Journey…

Program Details

Resilience Radar Survey
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Lindsey Brittain

UNLOCKING THE POWER OF POSSIBILITY I enable leaders in Marketing, Comms & Business to conquer the slog of stereotyping, hierarchy & bureaucracy. Doing more of what they love & achieving meaningful results at the highest level.
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Learn more about Turas & Book a Complimentary 45 Minute Discovery Call
Turas means ‘journey’ in Scottish Gaelic. I’m Lindsey Brittain, a proud Scot and I am Turas.    

I believe everything in life is a journey - our leadership, our career, our business & our home life - they're all connected.  When we make one small, positive step in one area, it 'ripples' into another. I also believe we focus too much on the destination, our next 'when' rather than enjoying the surprise & wonder along the way.  We all have the right to a great journey, to get excited about what's possible and make that a reality.  

Throughout my 26 years, my passion has been to help people & organisations to see there's options and different ways to do things.  Options that let people do more of what they love, delivers results faster and be less draining, and gives them more space to grow at work and at home.
 I offer an integrated approach to coaching and mentoring to help you take the next steps across all aspects of your journey.  I'm an accredited Professional Coach (ANZCAL), a qualified Breakthrough Life & Abundance Coach.
It's your journey - travel it well with Turas...
01.   On the Front Foot - Leadership Coaching     To get you on the front foot strategically, technically and emotionally.
02.  Onwards & Upwards - Career Coaching    Find your true purpose and passion and accelerate your development path.
03.  The Path to More - Personal Coaching   Feel more fulfilled and balanced in your life.
04. Workshops That Work - Workshop Design & Facilitation    A shared learning experience that is focussed yet fun and squeezes every ounce of value from your time together in-session and afterwards.
05. Headway - SME Business Mentoring & Coaching    Help SME owners in Marketing & Comms reignite their passion for their business and convert possibility into positive results for their bottom line. 
06.  Marketing & Comms Technical Top-Ups    'Kick-start’ or ‘top up’  your technical know-how in your own time and at their pace.


See Short Biography >

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Disclosure: "Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in the materials depends on several factors, such as your background, education, experience, and work ethic. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee success. Your results may vary."